
Friday 29 April 2016

ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT - Launch with Live Reading and Actors now scheduled!

Just visited the Victory Cafe this afternoon! Lovely upstairs space which will feature some combination of talented actors Morgan Phillips, Jacob Pendergrast, Sarah Goodman, Liyat Benchetrit, Tova Roo, Colin Matthews and possibly more, reading my Master's of Architecture thesis graphic novel ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT to the improvisations of amazing musicians Mikhial Gurarie, Adam Reich and Paul Swoger-Ruston. Should be a great time!
Saturday, May 28, 6-8 pm, Victory Cafe in Toronto... near Honest Ed's and Bathurst subway station, 581 Markham St.
Of course I will be at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival May 14-15 two weeks before that--but TCAF tends to be a massive event with thousands of comic book artists, writers, publishers and fans all milling about manically. The launch on May 28 will be a more laid back and intimate event, with plenty of time to have a drink and socialize, and get your signed copy in the milieu of an artistic "happening" a la Warhol / Velvet Underground.

Friday 22 April 2016

ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT - Page 23 - "Tea and Three Samosas"

I'm excited for TCAF - the Toronto Comic Arts Festival only three weeks away, happening May 14-15.  Hope to see you there--please drop by the Montreal crew at Editions TRIP Comix--in the meantime, enjoy some tea and samosas atop the tallest parking structure this side of the galaxy!

Page 23

Friday 15 April 2016


In a lovely turn of events, my architecture thesis graphic novel is now available at the University of Toronto Bookstore!  The price is a bit lower because these copies of the Limited Run are signed and numbered, but with no sketch.  Click here to see the link with description!

Page 22

I am super happy that they are carrying the book in their excellent Graphic Novels section... drop by for a browse!   Or, hope to see you at TCAF (Toronto Comic Arts Festival) on May 14-15.

Friday 8 April 2016

ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT What are the critics saying?

Some comments from folks who have read the ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT graphic novel so far... copies are still available, if you are interested please email me at !

“Architecture Department is not just a great prequel; it's a great graphic novel, full stop. Very funny, and also very moving. And the fact that the author successfully submitted as his master's thesis this often-blistering critique of architecture-in-academia is classic Matthew Brown.
– A. Craig

I pretty much laughed out loud at the crit scene, and really liked the way you used changes of scale in the drawings. It keeps the pace in a nice way.  Pretty awesome achievement.
– L. Calvet

“I read your book, and enjoyed it but not sure I understood it completely.”
– C. Hume

Page 21

“This morning I tucked away some time and read ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT. Loved it! Yet again, you hit it out of the park.
I hope your thesis was received well by your professor, as I thought it was great. I loved knowing the subtext the whole time. Kept me even more engrossed. Throughout it - especially, early on, with the appearance of The King - I wondered if this was maybe a prequel to THE CLIFF. The sneaky inclusion of Poopsie's folks let me know I was on the right path. Then, of course, you mention in the afterword that it was. Excited that this is too will be a cycle. Definitely warranted. Star Wars/LOTR style-but better!
Looking forward to the rest. But, before that, THE CLIFF: Book 5. Eagerly awaiting.”
– C. Parsons

Friday 1 April 2016

THE CLIFF, Book 5 - Thanks for your support, and Update!

Hi, I really want to thank you for your support for my graphic novel magnum opus,
THE CLIFF.  The Indiegogo campaign has wrapped up, and THANKS SO MUCH if you were one of the treasured few who kicked some cash to the kitty... or rather, the penguin in this case.  (Contributions can still be made on Indiegogo, for anyone still itching to back the Penguin and Mutt Blue on their exploits...)

I want you to know that the overall page count for Book 5 ("The King") is 49, and I just finished penciling pages 34 and 35 last night.
In the next one or two months I will hammer away at completing the hand-drawn
pages... I will then scan, crop, adjust and fiddle with the files in Photoshop to produce print-ready images.  These will go into the final layout.

THE CLIFF, Book 5: "The King", page 1

It looks like my friend and sometime publisher Marc Tessier from Montreal days and his publishing partner Stan Wany at Editions TRIP Comix may publish the whole CLIFF, Books 1-5 Collected Edition for TCAF (Toronto Comic Arts Festival) 2017.  
(And we will be there this year too, where I'll launch my Master's of Architecture thesis graphic novel-ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT--but that's another story!  TCAF 2016 - May 14-15.)
Either way, THE CLIFF Book 5 will be included in the complete edition, appearing for the first time along with the reprints of Books 1-4.  I'm sure there will be some extra behind-the-scenes work in there, too. So--something for everyone!  Those who got the first 4, those who did not, and those who want a really good doorstop, paperweight or book to confuse people on the subway. And of course, those who supported will get a signed copy with lovingly detailed sketch!!
So--I just wanted to let you know, your valued contribution is going toward me sweating at the  drawing board and computer, happily scratching out Mutt Blue's meeting with the bearded bureaucrat who runs the universe--as he searches for love, intimacy, and a decent meal at affordable prices.
I will stay in touch- I hope you stay in touch with me, too!
Ciao for now, or as they say on THE CLIFF,  "I think I have an itch."